About Original Pursuits LLC

A very regular company building open-source tools and platforms for creative individuals.

Who We Are And What We Do

Where art meets engineering, creativity flourishes.

We love the unique, the unconventional, the different, "the music-makers, and the dreamers of dreams." We don't care about your background or where you come from; all that matters is the merit of your thoughts, actions, and passion for creativity.

We are a small team of artists and engineers dedicated to this ideal and always aiming to impress and raise the standard. We focus on developing open-source tools and content and delivering relevant services at affordable prices.

Novelty Factor Hosting is our premiere service and aims to provide affordable web hosting for artists, small business owners, and other entrepreneurs' websites and online presences. This service is part of our "Be Gay. Do Crime." initiative. This means that profit from this service will be used towards developing programs, other services, open-source tools, and other materials to help empower creative individuals in their endeavors.

This includes helping fund the following Original Pursuits LLC Projects:

How To Program Anything
(A Computational Foundation)

How To Program Anything (HTPA) aims to provide clear, comprehensive, accessible, and educational programming resources that integrate the theoretical scientist’s knowledge with the practical engineer’s methods. Resources are free to access, free to share (Content License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Project License(s): MIT License), and remain ad-free (and unbiased) through the support of our users on Patreon.
About HTPA

Press Accept Software

Press Accept Software builds open-source software (preferred license: MIT License). Here, you'll discover top-notch open-source software that will assist in achieving your creative or entrepreneurial goals. Our software builds are licensed permissively to ensure that your projects remain flexible. We take pride in providing premium quality solutions. Take your projects to the next level!
About Press Accept

Original Pursuits Society

The Original Pursuits Society (OPS) is dedicated to empowering creative individuals. We understand the challenges of pursuing your creative passions, whether you're an artist, writer, or entrepreneur. Our mission is to provide you with the resources and tools you need to achieve your goals at the highest level. With our support, you can unleash your potential and bring your projects to life. Join us and become part of a community that values creativity, innovation, and collaboration.
About OPS

Where We Are

Original Pursuits LLC operates in the United States of America in Fort Collins, Colorado, in terms of meatspace. (Novelty Factor Hosting's data center is located in Dallas, Texas.) As a fully digital company, though, our real office (or... virtual office) exists in cyberspace in the original and ever-popular three-dimensional metaverse, Second Life.

Our office is a beautiful unicorn-themed retreat located in the Second Norway estate in the Enga region. You can teleport to it today!

Core Values

  • Meaning – Our thoughts and actions impact ourselves and others. The importance of this impact is up to us individually and is beneficial or detrimental to our existence. Our collaborative design fosters creativity, power, growth, expansion, benevolence, and comprehension.
  • Capability – Knowledge is power. By respectfully dedicating ourselves to its acquisition and wise employment, we can become more than what we are. We can maintain and build futures full of wild possibilities and beautiful experiences through reason.
  • Liberty – True freedom is the ability to leverage the beneficial consequences of one’s efforts as one sees fit while accepting responsibility for and learning from the detrimental effects. No one can achieve true individual meaning without the ability to choose and execute the appropriate course within this framework. Without taking risks, no growth, creativity, or beneficial opportunities exist.

Principles Of Business

Those three core values are the metaphysical axioms that shape our epistemology and inform the nine principles of business under which Original Pursuits LLC operates.

  • Authenticity – Honesty recognizes that no actual, lasting value is predicated on a falsehood. We leverage this existential absolute in our actions, communications, decisions, and relationships. Developing real meaning is entirely dependent on this principle.
  • Consistency – Maintaining an entity’s functional integrity requires a dedication to intellectual and actionable non-contradiction. Confusion and loss of trust result from professing one conclusion but enacting the opposite. It erodes future capabilities and destroys any real intention or goals.
  • Individualism – Anything new, created or modified, requires independent judgment. Real change comes from passionate individuals unafraid to seek the truth of their visions. We encourage independence and free thought, not dismissing or shying away from the seemingly strange, unfamiliar, or radical.
  • Productivity – Nothing ever happens if someone doesn’t take action. No rewards or growth in this existence comes from merely being. Left alone, we must act to continue our survival. Our company strives to pursue more significant goals to bring more outstanding capabilities continuously.
  • Intelligence – Knowledge alone is useless without the ability to acquire or apply it. The application of knowledge is intelligence. Without cultivating intelligence, we are incapable of judgments and communicating effectively. Seeking out and fostering intelligence is paramount to our dynamically creative company mission.
  • Respect – The healthy regard for someone’s character and value, including yourself, must be observed and determined by the virtue presented, or it isn’t very sensible. This quality of respectability indicates its possessor deserves attention and consideration when making judgments or decisions. We aim to practice respect and earn respect as a company.
  • Virtue – When it is in your power to transmit them, withholding others’ consequences is unfair. These consequences may be up to you, so one must evaluate and recognize things for what they are, not what one desires them to be. Acting with conviction per this principle, we aim to amplify everyone’s value and quality of life.
  • Eudaemonia – The ultimate goal of all business is eudaemonia. It is human flourishing and prosperity in everything. Seeking to employ these principles, we aim for virtuous gratification, mutually benevolent trade with others, and the freedom to be the best and the greatest in our lives for our lives.
  • Pursuit – It is only through this pursuit of identification that we will achieve what we value by regular application of these principles. Without this dignified labor, it is challenging to cultivate meaning, capability, and especially liberty.